I think Li Mu Bai wanted to teach Jen so strongly because he
saw that she was gifted as a fighter but since she was following the wrong path
she wouldn’t reach her full potential. She was so disrespectful every time she
did everything and she took advantage of the Wudan masters. Anyone else would
want to kill her But Li Mu Bai sees something in her and this is why he wants
to teach her. Honestly I did not understand this movie at least the ending. I
understood that they needed to be true of heart and respectful and all of that.
Plus the fighting was amazing and extremely interesting to watch. Why did she
jump of a cliff that possibly seemed like the most pointless thing to me ever?
Li Mu Bai just died for you and Shu Lien gave you your life and you decide to
jump off a cliff. Did you learn nothing? This entire movie you fight and take
from these people and they give you your life and you screw that up too. If you
want to prove your true of heart jump off a tall rock not to your death. Her
love interest just watches too like oh you’re gonna kill yourself that’s cool at
least your true of heart. No! You love this woman at least jump off with her.
Why couldn’t they have just gone back to the desert? Shu Lien told you to be
true to yourself in whatever path that doesn’t mean end your path. Go be true
to yourself in the desert
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