Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The un-climactic ending

In world religion we just finished learning the story of the Buddha or Siddhartha. Long story short is a prince gives it up and starves himself only to realize the way to salvation or nirvana is through moderation. The big climax is when he wins against the god Mara touches the earth and is enlightened but the ending of the story is when he dies of food poisoning. Food poisoning people! I’m sorry but I feel like the story just should have ended with enlightenment. Plus it wasn’t like he was attacked and poisoned he knew the food was bad and his friend accidentally fed it to him. He didn’t tell his friend because he wanted to be polite I feel like the friend would have felt a lot better if you had just told him instead leaving him with the memory that you killed the Buddha. If I was the friend I would have drowned myself in the Ganges, to live with the fact you killed Buddha would have been too much. If Buddha felt it was his time to go he should have just walked off into the sunset instead of letting his friend take the blame for the final blow. That ending would have been acceptable, it would be like Gilgamesh who did not die climactically but had a rather poetic ending after following his destiny to the end and dying of old age. I guess it’s not that Buddha’s ending wasn’t climactic it is that his ending was just lame. Gilgamesh did something great before he died so he was essentially allowed to die of old age. If he died for a lame reason like a bolder fell on him I would be writing about a post about him too. My perfect Buddha ending after leading many people for years he realized that he was no longer needed so at sunset he went off to meditate alone but did not return. Later his robes were found under a fig tree and his people realized he had died. See that’s a good ending filled with symbolism of sunset being the end of days and the fig tree as a reference to when he reached enlightenment.   

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