Sunday, May 12, 2013

Last School Official Blog Post: Goodbye Spartan Nation

Four years ago my friend from kindergarten showed up at my house both with our skirts to long and our backpacks too big. It was the first time i hadn't ridden a bus to school, hadn't gone to school with my best friend, or had to wear a uniform. I remember I hadn't written my name in any of my books so my homeroom teacher made me pile all of them up on my desk. Every other kid had only a book or two and i had twelve. I remember sitting in the theater (a place that would become a second home to me) thinking about how i had to wear this awful uniform every day. We had field day i didn't officially know anyone in my homeroom except i had heard of Ellie so we both clung to each other. I got home went into my neighbors and new classmates kitchen (he would later become my best friend) and mispronounced the word both. I want it to be summer to stop worrying about homework and exams. I want to go to college to be out in the world out of my parents house. I just don't really want to leave St. Marks. Don't get me wrong this place drives me crazy. I mean no eating in the academic wing, i cant buy pop tarts anymore? The people here go on and off from being crazy to great. This place is still my home. I know how to get underneath the stage i know where the good paint and the old paint that is probably 40 years old is. I know the wood we use to build the set is probably from the first production of bye bye birdie. I know which teachers sit next to each other at mass. I know the mass has not ended until deacon bill has yelled it at us. i know Mrs. DeAscanis despises clapping at mass. I know that if you don't actually read the book you will fail Ingrams quizzes or you know if you do read them you will still fail. I know Mr. Carlton will literally make fun of everyone and still keeps alive that ancient projector. i know you need to say thank you to cookie for your fries. I know you can't get reception on the first floor.  i know so many more things about this school that i can't even mention right now. I know i have to leave i know its not going anywhere its solid concrete. I will always be a spartan and I'm so happy i showed up that first day coming to school everyday was not easy but i will always be thankful for my teachers and class i'm not going to say i love you all cause that's ungodly cheesy but thank you for making me the person i am now because i am so different from that kid that showed up four years ago.

1 comment:

  1. this is a great list. I will miss you, even after you are in college living the next stage of your great life!
